Laravel sail docker is not running ubuntu


Laravel sail docker is not running ubuntu. Everything works fine and at the end, it says Dive in with: cd example-app-sail && . Jul 7, 2022 · Laravel Sailとは. And it's true. 04 base) Laravel Sail: "Sail up" command not running. I am using windows and also wsl2 which is using ubuntu 20 as the default Linux distribution. Step 2: Run the downloaded executable file. local". 12. docker run --rm \. /vendor/bin. it return The "laravel. Q&A for work. Dec 15, 2020 · 5. after this it gives the following info: Sail scaffolding installed successfully. in docker-compose. What i did so far was : First i created a new Laravel Project : composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog Then installed sails : composer require laravel/sail Aug 7, 2022 · 1 Answer. I find a similar post here: , but is still not Dec 8, 2020 · Open the Dockerfile and take a look at the first line: FROM ubuntu:21. It can be installed by the following command: sudo apt install docker-compose Jan 24, 2022 · Building a laravel project using laravel sail documentation. Run this command: clear && sudo apt-get update && \. Additionally, a . 26 for laravel/sail Next I install laravel/sail - it seems succesfull, but output of the command seems very short(I mean I compared with some video tutorials) $ php artisan sail:install ┌ Which services would you like to install? ───────────────────┐ │ mysql . Build the app image with the following command: docker-compose build app. ${NC}" exit 1 fi but i knew docker was there and working. As mentioned in the docker-compose. docker up -d. test bash, that will let you go inside the PHP container, and Feb 25, 2021 · Laravel Sailは、LaravelのデフォルトのDocker開発環境と対話するための軽量のコマンドラインインターフェースです。. Abra seu aplicativo Docker, vá para configurações e, em seguida, Recursos e alterne a imagem do Ubuntu 20. env file is used to set up environment-dependent configuration, such as credentials and any information that might vary between deploys. 04 of Ubuntu's image is used as a starting point for the custom image; the rest of the file is essentially a list of instructions to build upon it, installing everything a standard Laravel application needs. 1, 7. Share. - '8000:80'. docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v $(pwd):/app composer install. env file: APP_SERVICE="yourProject. package for the SaaS. Oct 24, 2022 · Unable to install Docker on Ubuntu after unscheduled shutdown 2 How can I use systemctl from within a docker container (run on ubuntu 20. 0'. d touch laravel-worker. Host operating system: Linux Ubuntu 22. /vendor/bin/sail up. Sail is not working when using docker-desktop for Linux #548. idekey = VSCODE Oct 26, 2021 · Sail Version: 1. I was able to resolve mysql version issue. test container to use 8. 4 Description: Brand new installation of Windows with Ubuntu on WSL2 is not allowing sail up. /vendor/bin/sail up -d. I'm trying out Laravel Sail, as I've been successfully using Laradock for a few years and hoping to simplify my dev environment setup. So, I tried docker info from my terminal and discovered it was a permissions issue. Switching to user root asks for a password, which is not know to me. 2, and 8. Nov 23, 2021 · Do not change this entry. 6. I don't have any docker experience. All the software that the application needs lives in a container and is separated from the system OS. Here is my final settings that worked. Jan 17, 2021 · For TablePlus, you really just need the Name, Host, the modified port, and user/pass (sail defaults to root and no password). 6. website-dev. yml ARG user ARG uid # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ git \ curl \ libpng-dev \ libonig-dev \ libxml2-dev \ zip \ unzip # Clear cache RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Install PHP extensions RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mbstring exif pcntl bcmath gd # Get latest Composer COPY Jul 16, 2020 · Neste guia, configuramos um ambiente do Docker com três contêineres usando o Docker Compose para definir nossa infraestrutura em um arquivo YAML. In your . E é isso agora que seus contêineres do docker podem usar a distribuição do Ubuntu para montar o projeto. Ubuntu v22. 2. certbot: image: certbot/certbot:latest Dec 4, 2022 · Laravel on WSL not building. The missing part is. Jan 4, 2024 · Teams. バージョンを上げるためには、以下のコマンドを入力します。. – May 19, 2023 · It finally worked thanks to the comments by @matiaslauriti. conf Paste in: Jun 14, 2021 · 5. laravel. MySQL and Redis database services are pre-configured. 68. The command that doesn't get executed is this one zip unzip git supervis. Laravel 9 is here, and along with it comes a wide array of useful new features and tweaks. /vendor/bin/sail up -d I'm blocked by a infinity step: => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0. What's New in Laravel 9. Caddy has a feature called automatic HTTPS which can generate local certificates on the fly. bashrc file : nano ~/. yml file and change “context: . start_with_request = yes xdebug. restart Sail. crt file, which you can import in your browsers (I successfully have imported it in Firefox, Chrome, Safari). 04\home folder. I tried to run a fresh Laravel 9. 4 Host operating system: Windows 11 22H2 / Build 22621. Nov 16, 2020 · sudo権限を持つroot以外のユーザーとして、Ubuntu 20. The Laravel configuration files are located in a directory called config, inside the application’s root directory. Install Ubuntu (or Linux distribution of your choice) I ) Open the Microsoft Store and then search & select Ubuntu. Don't mix your local storage with docker storage. イントロダクション. Dec 10, 2022 · I want to use docker with PHP. jurios opened this issue on Feb 10, 2023 · 19 comments. May 14, 2021 · 5. 1 LTS) Description: Sail command is now broken even just creating a new Laravel project. env File. env file to configure Xdebug. Enter the same database name as . /vendor/bin/sail up then it throws errors and the application is not started. As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. In this tutorial, you will build a web application using the Laravel framework, with Nginx as the web server and MySQL as the database, all inside Docker containers. Dockerの経験がなくてもsailコマンドを実行することでdockerのコマンドを操作する事ができます。. 04 LTS, i followed the instructions as explained on Laravel Sails Documentation. Sail is the docker-compose. 12 OS: Win11 (WSL2 - Ubuntu 20. test" is not running container #1. Docker開発環境を操作するための軽量コマンドラインインターフェイスです。. 7 May 8, 2021 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Jun 14, 2021 · 2. 04. 1 Laravel Version: 8. これらのセットアップは、 Ubuntu 20. But not in the case of a Laravel application. 19 PHP Version: 8. yml. Just google Docker detached mode. If your goal is to connect to the docker container on port 8000 and 80 I think this would be the correct configuration: ports: - '${APP_PORT:-80}:80'. Apr 15, 2021 · I created a SaaS app using laravel 8 with first-party package laravel sail (Docker) and tenancy for laravel. yml file. Laravel Sail is supported on macOS, Linux, and Windows (via WSL2). In your case . Sail Version: 1. Following the instructions from the documentation I'm not really understanding why the container is failing to build. By mounting your repository into the container, the composer container will write the vendor directory and it will appear in your host. sudo apt install docker-compose. 51. Apr 23, 2021 · I've got that due to running docker-compose up directly and not using the sail up instead. 1, 8. 255. How # Ensure that Docker is running if! docker info > /dev/ null 2 >& 1; then echo-e "${WHITE}Docker is not running. In my Laravel project, I've followed Mar 29, 2021 · ここで、「Docker is not running」と表示されて先に進まないようであれば、 Dockerが起動していないか、LinuxサブシステムがDockerを認識していない・・・かも。 自分の場合はDockerとkali-linuxの関連付けができていなかった。 May 18, 2021 · Laravel Sail is not working properly in Ubuntu 20. I went ran it in unbuntu. 0/ folder open the Dockerfile and add the entries for ODBC Driver for SQL Server and PHP Driver for SQL Server. Make sure ubuntu and WSL 2 is installed, you can follow the instructions here; After successful installation of ubuntu, your file system now shares the same file system with your ubuntu, this means if you want to run ubuntu commands on a folder path you have to open the corresponding terminal. 04 - groupadd: invalid group ID 'sail' 0 Docker is not running when run curl command to create new laravel project. リモートサーバーを使用している場合、アクティブなファイアウォールをインストールしておくことをお勧めします。. 1 admin. It seems that the shell script does a lot of additional heavy-lifting. Then run docker compose exec laravel. 04\home\louiss\example-app is this the right one. Apr 14, 2021 · Yes, there was a problem with sudo access. I created a default docker image droplet from Digital Ocean and I had problem with sudo access. This command create a docker directory in your application's root directory. 255 broadcasthost ::1 localhost 127. php. – Yeasir Arafat. ' May 5, 2021 · 4. I thought I would try out Laravel Sail, since I've been using Laradock for a few years and hoping to simplify my dev environment setup a little bit more. Nov 18, 2022 · Now I have access to the project and its route through the browser, even I can use sail mysql commands. The problem arises because the package docker-compose is not installed. Jul 29, 2022 · Giving each project its own development domain is a great feature of Valet. 0; インストール. Move up one directory cd Recursively change the owner and group of the html folder to sail chown -R sail:sail html . For example: Feb 11, 2021 · Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash. conf nano laravel-worker. bash: line 16: cd: example-app: No such file or directory Get started with: cd example-app && . For anyone running Laravel Sail and Docker, you need to go into the Docker container through the command line or in my case inside Docker Desktop's prebuilt terminal and run the following: su sail (switches to sail user) php artisan storage:link (adds the sym link into the docker container. APP_PORT=3001 //or instead of 3001 any other port number of your choice. I use the sail up command, which works great. Sorted by: 3. It looks like some packages were not installed. For other commands such as those of artisan, composer or npm, it is advisable to add the alias sail as a prefix to these commands. Add your user to docker group to be able to run commands without Jul 22, 2020 · If you want a very short solution, it is here. test" service is not running. Laravel Sail. The final step is to run the container you Jun 24, 2021 · I'm gonna venture a guess that you're using Git Bash (or a similar console) under Window. vendor/bin/sail up command it get stuck at [4/12] RUN apt-get update &amp;&amp; apt-get insta Mar 5, 2022 · 1. 04, with ubuntu 18. Assuming you have Docker working correctly at the second computer, you could run a temporary sail container just to install the composer dependencies in said project, as explained in the Laravel Sail documentation. 04 and Debian from windows store: Go to the docker settings and turn on Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS and turn off Use the WSL 2 based engine. Apr 4, 2022 · Step 6 — Running the Application with Docker Compose. If you look at your docker-compose. – Pathros. I solved this problem by using Caddy as a reverse proxy to the Laravel Sail container. io, or docker-engine. 2 project with Laravel Sail in Docker. Install docker engine. Laravel Version: 9. Jan 15, 2021 · I am using sail and trying to use the shell as root, which is not possible. $ cd. Dec 26, 2023 · after that i run the following command to publish Sail's docker-compose. Docker is a tool that makes it easy to create and run applications by using containers. You should see the group and user sail on all the files and folders. env: DB_DATABASE=. Laravel Sail on Windows. Laravel Sail (セイル、帆、帆船)は、LaravelのデフォルトのDocker開発環境を操作するための軽量コマンドラインインターフェイスです。. 3 as it takes on Laravel Homestead. test you can make a couple of changes to achieve that. Learn more about Teams Feb 12, 2021 · To change the local name in Sail from the default 'laravel. In general, Docker and containers are something every developer has to get familiar with sooner or later. The address is \\wsl. But it is not located in the root folder, so where is it? Jan 15, 2023 · 前提条件Windows環境の場合、WSLを構築しておく必要がある。Ubuntuターミナル上でgenie起動環境構築以下のコマンドを実行する$ curl -s "https://larave Due to its flexibility and ease of usage, Docker has become one of the most widely used, if not the most widely used, methods of distributing software. To run a container in the background, use the command: $ sail up -d. Sailは、Dockerの経験がなくても、PHP、MySQL、Redisを使用してLaravelアプリケーションを構築するための優れた出発点を提供します。. 3”. (contains WSL2), and the index page is loaded in 2sec. ini [XDebug] xdebug. env file set the APP_URL value and add a new Sail-specific Jun 22, 2016 · You have also probably have some gaps on Docker. But when I run it, it says no such file or directory: example-app-sail. 3, and switching between them is fairly simple. Installing packages work fine, but whenever I run . it's seems everytime i use WARP my laravel sail always failed to build, not sure if there is a change to the repo/warp itself that's started causing it. Older versions of Docker were called docker, docker. Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49. 15. Docker Desktop. Dec 2, 2022 · Sail Version: 1. The sail script provides a CLI with convenient methods for interacting with the Docker containers defined by the docker-compose. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 04 At its heart, Sail is the docker-compose. Docker Compose for Laravel. 1 - Add Caddy as a service to your docker-compose. Let's look what that means for Laravel Feb 27, 2022 · Teams. Each container is an entry within the services configuration. However the problem is that when I run sail artisan commands, this message shows up: service "laravel. Sep 13, 2021 · Docker Compose offers an efficient alternative to running multiple docker container create and docker container run commands. Jun 19, 2022 · 1 Answer. -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \. yml you mount the local ~/dockervel/www to containers /var/www. yml or . 1 laravel. Custumize the Dockerfile: in docker/8. Dockerfile for Laravel. For an existing project where I tried Sail to run on Docker, it takes ~7sec instead of 0. Apr 12, 2021 · There’s no need to change docker-compose. wsl --set-version <distro> 2. LaravelはDockerを利用する、Laravelプロジェクトを実行できる組み込みソルーションであるSailを提供しています。 Laravel Sailは、LaravelのデフォルトのDocker構成と、操作するための軽量のコマンドラインインターフェイスです。 Feb 28, 2022 · This basically starts a docker container which has php and composer installed and runs composer install. 0, 8. 04 para o estado ligado. – Apr 25, 2022 · Step 2 — Setting Up the Application’s . test. test domain but allows you to override that in the Docker config. To do so we just need to edit our docker-compose. ## 127. //書式. However, when I type . localhost\Ubuntu-20. Let’s take a look at installing Docker Desktop on Windows 10, how it integrates with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2, and how to use Laravel’s new command-line tool Laravel Sail to get up and running with Laravel in no time. env file add a line. It might be that you've not used sail command to do the initial building and that caused some issues. Laravel Sailは macOS、Linux、Windowsに対応 しています。. yml file and the sail script that is stored at the root of your project. /vendor/bin/sail up command nothing happens. The containers build your Laravel application. Setting up Docker and Docker Compose. After I checked ubuntu switch which is in above image and restarted docker and ubuntu app both, it worked afterwards. => => transferring dockerfile: 32B 0. If you have 45 minutes to spare, I'll show you everything you need to know to get up to speed. /docker/8. If you wanted to use a domain such as myproject. yaml file, and run docker compose up -d (if it says something about docker compose, use docker-compose ), that will start all the stuff in the background. This command might take a few minutes to complete. The final part of the command tells Docker which directory to build from. Feb 24, 2021 · Laravel 8. Sail comes with the sail script that provides a CLI Dec 10, 2020 · Create install from Laravel 8 docs and Laravel Sail docs. To enable Xdebug you must set the appropriate mode(s) before starting Sail: Dec 5, 2022 · To jump ahead: What is Docker? Example Laravel app with Backpack. macOS Catarina 10. You are running the docker container with Sail cli. II ) From the distribution page, select “Get” then select “Install”. 1 kubernetes. x comes with Laravel Sail. I mean commands like `sail npm run dev. 0. Sail assumes a default laravel. yml file it mentions dockerfile: Dockerfile. /vendor/bin/sail up Here is a screen shot Jan 23, 2020 · FROM php:7. jurios commented on Feb 10, 2023. We’ll now use docker-compose commands to build the application image and run the services we specified in our setup. 04, under Windows 11 22H2 Wsl2. Exit the container exit. I need to install wildcard lets encrypt SSL on the main app and all tenant apps will be on HTTPS. III) Click “Launch” when it is ready. I decided to move my application to the WSL filesystem. env file should work: on your . Only execute the command in the WSL2 Distribution (as example, Ubuntu) First, Open the wsl console from PowerShell pointing the project folder. Don’t ignore the dockerignore file. Apr 20, 2021 · In WSL2 jump into the docker container as root by running this command vendor/bin/sail root-shell. May 21, 2021 · Create the alias to sail before run this command. Laravelで開発を行う場合は、ローカルのOSにPHP、node、composer、MySQLなど Jan 6, 2024 · Using version ^1. test 127. Sick of waiting Homestead to load? Wish to trying the Microsoft brand new WSL2?Trying to learn Docker but not sure where to start? Let's guide you in setting Mar 30, 2023 · 1. 4-fpm # Arguments defined in docker-compose. This is useful if you want to run laravel sail and make it available as an API for something like React/NestJS. Probably, in Laravel Sail that should be possible as well. Step 5: Open Docker Desktop by searching it in the Start Menu. その後、DockerDesktopの設定画面から、「Resources」→ Apr 24, 2020 · Uninstall old versions. 0 PHP Version: 8. And then execute the docker command for execute Laravel sail. Works on Ubuntu 18. /vendor/bin/sail up or . Sailは、Dockerの経験がなくても、PHP、MySQL、Redisを使用してLaravelアプリケーションを構築するための Should you experience an issue running actions on the Laravel service container using Sail, it is most likely due to your application's service container name not being laravel. Apr 3, 2022 · 1 Answer. Sail is just not happy at all to work under Git Bash: Apr 30, 2023 · Laravel provides Sail. Feb 14, 2024 · Sail comes with Dockerfiles for 8. Dec 26, 2021 · 2. You can easily find the name of your service container when taking a look in the docker-compose. docker. Prerequisites. May 4, 2020 · Similarly to what the comment above mentioned, if you want to actually run docker in ubuntu, running sudo dockerd worked for me (it will run the docker daemon so you need to open up another terminal after that, or run it in the background Also, I wasn't able to login into a running docker image this way, but the images would run) – Nov 4, 2021 · The -q flaq is used by the docker-compose command in the sail file in the folder . This will open 80 and 8000 to the wild. test' and the port, add the following to your . . yml, you'll see the default is set to 3306 and this overrides it (nothing you need to do here, just an FYI): mysql: image: 'mysql:8. PHP Version: Using sail with 8. 0 installed using WSL 2, and my Laravel app is running Laravel 8. 2” to “context: . APP_PORT=89. I could not solve the problem and then installed docker on a fresh Ubuntu 20. io containerd runc docker-compose. bashrc And paste this : alias sail='bash vendor/bin/sail' Exit and save the modification. services: caddy: image: caddy:latest. Nov 11, 2021 · そのため、DockerがWSL上で使えず、”docker is not running”というエラーが発生していました。. Inspiration Laravel Sail is inspired by and derived from Vessel by Chris Fidao . Step 4: Click “Close” button. Then we can run sail build and sail up to quickly switch our laravel. Learn more about Teams May 12, 2023 · 今回は、 Laravel Sail を使って環境の構築を行いました。. Feb 11, 2021 · Somehow when docker was in the list of startup apps in windows 10, ubuntu was auto recognizing that it was started but then i disabled it from startup apps, it was showing that Docker is not running. yml file, i choose mariadb as service. I tried to install certbot image like this. I set up an app using Laravel Sail, and hosted it in my C:Users/User/my_app folder, however API endpoints were terribly slow (around 7s to respond). This includes an improved accessor/mutator API, better support for Enum casting, forced scope bindings, a new database engine for Laravel Scout, and so much more. To enter the container: docker-compose exec laravel. 公式ドキュメントより. Now when I run . This will take effect when you build (or rebuild using sail build --no-cache) your Sail container. 1. 4 LTS and everything worked as expected. discover_client_host = true xdebug. I'm struggling to get Laravel Sail working. yml Mar 12, 2022 · Laravel Sailとは. There is no folder name as example-app-sail. SailはDocker ですので、開発環境を簡単に用意することもできますし、カスタマイズすることも楽です。. 3. Mar 21, 2022 · Laravel Sailを利用してLaravelのデフォルト画面を表示する。 準備. May 12, 2021 · In Laravel Homestead it is possible to use HTTPS, because Homestead comes with a . Sail's simple CLI means you can start building your Laravel application without any previous Docker experience. 7; Docker Desktop 4. While you may wish to explore these options at a later time, Laravel provides Sail, a built-in solution for running your Laravel project using Docker. Step 3: Make sure “Use WSL2 instead of Hyper-V (Recommended)” is checked ☑️and click “OK” button. Closed. Docker is a tool for running applications and services in small, light-weight "containers" which do not interfere with your local machine's installed software or configuration. 1 localhost 255. 今回は Windows で環境を構築 しました。. restart: unless-stopped. 16. This package is a build in solution to run your Laravel project using docker. Oct 16, 2022 · Step 1: Go to Docker download page and select the link for Windows. 20. To stop the execution, instead, press CTRL + C and, to end the background processes, run the command: $ sail down. In order to enable Xdebug, you will need to add a few variables to your application's . Step 3. 04 on WSL2 Apr 5, 2022 · Laravel with Sail and Docker, really slow. 基本的に、Sail To build your php laravel docker container, you will use the docker build command and provide a tag or a name for the container, so you can reference it later when you want to run it. Sorted by: 2. I would suggest that you start all over again and revert the changes you've made to your apache server. Aug 15, 2022 · I am trying to set up Docker and Laravel 9 (both for the first time) on my Windows 10 system by following the instructions on the official Laravel website. (Docker detached mode) which is used to run the container in the background. Docker Desktopを起動してください。 インストールの方法はこちらから。 検証環境. -d. $ docker build -t laravel-tutorial . Mar 2, 2024 · Laravel Sail won't build on Ubuntu 20. so the best solution is disabling WARP temporary till it fix. yml file that defines Docker containers. Laravel Sail's Docker configuration includes support for Xdebug, a popular and powerful debugger for PHP. Jan 22, 2023 at 2:10. 0s. Confirm the change ls -la. test bash Run inside the container: apt update apt install nano cd /etc/supervisor/conf. THey work well together this is not good for me. A partir deste ponto, é possível trabalhar no seu aplicativo do Laravel sem precisar instalar e configurar um servidor Web local para o desenvolvimentos e testes. /vendor/bin/sail php -v returns "Cannot load Xdebug - it was already loaded". I'm trying to build a project on a Linux Ubuntu 22. So, you have to do this, go to the project, where you have the docker-compose. Build and run locally. But when i run . => [ 4/11] RUN apt-get up Laravel Sail (セイル、帆、帆船)は、LaravelのデフォルトのDocker開発環境を操作するための軽量コマンドラインインターフェイスです。. I have successfully installed Docker Doesktop and have also successfully installed and activated Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). This means that the tag 21. Has anyone had the same issue? Feb 1, 2021 · See 'docker run --help'. /var/www in a container is different than your local /var/www. Improve this answer. wsl --set-version Debian 2. The command builds docker containers, connects them, and makes development as easy as we can imagine, especially for VSCode, and this works fine, but it's slow in development with WSL2. 04ローカルマシンまたは開発サーバーにアクセス。. Publish the Dockerfile: sail artisan sail:publish. yml file, just adding a line on your . Macで Jun 15, 2021 · I am trying to start laravel sail on Mac M1. 公式サイトに記載されているコマンドをそのまま実行します。 Jun 1, 2021 · To setup Supervisor for Laravel queues, this is what I tried within the Docker container for Laravel Sail. If these are installed, uninstall them by using: sudo apt remove docker docker-engine docker. ports: Dec 5, 2021 · I'm having issues getting Laravel Sail to work on new laravel 8 project, I'm on Ubuntu 20. com # Added by Docker Desktop # To allow the same kube context to work on the host and the container: 127. Sailは、Dockerの経験がなくても、PHP、MySQL、Redisを使用してLaravelアプリケーションを構築するための優れた出発点を提供し Mar 16, 2022 · Still in your terminal, run this to open your . You can now open any Laravel project using Sail and write the following command to start it : sail up Or to run it on background: sail up -d I'm using Ubuntu 20. wsl -d ubuntu. 3 Laravel Version: 9. In most cases, putting an application inside an OCI image and distributing it through one of the popular image registries is pretty easy. I even followed the instuctions on this site. 04 with Docker and Docker Compose installed. internal # End of section # Ensure that Docker is running if! docker info > /dev/ null 2 >& 1; then echo-e "${WHITE}Docker is not running. I copied my_app folder to \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20. Installation & Setup Feb 7, 2022 · Clone the repo and then run the following command from within the root directory. Feb 28, 2021 · If you are using windows follow these steps. Feb 10, 2023 · New issue. I am on Windows 10 64, Docker Desktop 3. IV ) Create your username and password for your Ubuntu. test is the primary container. Certifique-se de que o mecanismo baseado em WSL2 esteja selecionado nas configurações. 04 LTS 12 Laravel CLI 'sail artisan' returns 'no such service' after updating 'service name' in docker-compose. sb ij ip gs ej hd wr if rj fm